My Ticker

Thursday, January 28, 2010

2nd fill

I had my 2nd fill today, went rly well. Ive got aa whole lot more restrictino. I had about 700calories today!
A little bit hungry right now... im on a 3 day self imposed fluids thing. and then ill go onto mushies and then onto soft foods then onto solids.

I lost 2 kilos according to my surgeons scales so i am happy with that!

on a whinging note.... I love the weightloss dont get me wrong but every time i look in the mirror and notice a bit of a difference, although I feel good about myself, I think "brilliant im getting back to how i used to be" I wont feel like im actually going anywhere untill im under 100 kilos. like tredding any new ground because ive been here before...

But I am happy and excited about any weightloss and im loving it!
yay for me and my band

oh and i now have 4cc in my band.. got a .8mm fill

Monday, January 25, 2010


First off - - - - > Lost 1 kilo this week XD!!!!

and to the main point!

omg... really need to get this into my head hey? Im doing it ... like I'm trying to....

wow excuses there....

ok honestly though... I cant look at exercise as a weightloss tool.... because that hasnt got me anywhere before

I have to look at exercise as... If I dont do it Im shitty all day and I have giant fights with the fiance and end up throwing his ring back at him.
He deserved it dont get me wrong.... but prevention is a nice thing too

Soo! Tomorrow (and maybe a walk this afternoon) Im going 2 miles in the morning then 1 mile the next day, 2 miles, 1 mile switch and change... If my ankle is sore, I do the arm movements, If my arms are sore, I do the leg movements.

Not because I want to loose weight. But because Im a shit person to be around and a much more productive worker once ive had a little bit of sweaty time.

Means Ill have to get up a bit early this next 2 weeks (going in half an hour early to make up time for taking time off to go and get a fill and see my dietician) but thats ok, Ill just get up when Luke does.

Food wise... Frick I need to sort that out!

I need to get me some coffee flavoured diet shakes, I loved those in the morning pre op....

Question can you put instant coffee in a vanilla diet shake? and Itll do the same thing? Need to try that out!

So My fill is on thursday excited for that! going to go on a liquid diet for as long as possible, and going to talk to my dietician about really kicking this into gear, What can I do to make myself as sucessful as possible with the aid of this band?!

I paid 3500 for this surgery! IM GOING TO FRICKEN WORK IT!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

At Work

I;ve got 8 mins until my lunchbreak is over, well really 14 mins cause I didnt take it till 1:06... thats not the point.

I am going well at the moment. Im tying to keep my calorie intake down (she says after eating honey chicken and rice....)
But I dont even feel like i've had anything done right now...
Ive only had one fill and i know it takes acouple for you to feel real restriction So I am keeping that in mind and exercising and limiting calorie intake.

I want to get to the stage where all I can eat is Diet Shakes and Cruskits. Thats what I could live off of and that is what I'd be happy to live off of.

So I pushed forward my fill that was scheduled for 1month and 1 week after my last one to next week so it will only be 3 weeks after my last one and Im going to talk to the fill doctor (who is also a bandster as well, shes sooo lovely and nice) and try and persuade her to put alot of fluid into my band. maybe 2.5cc or 2cc.
I want this to start working better for me. I am working, im exercising, dieting, and drinking 2ltrs of water per day. But I would like it to stop making me hungry and to stop me from eating a lunch size portion from the chinese shop. When it comes down to it im eating 3/4 to 7/8 of what I used to be able to and I dont think that that is where I should be at.

So I'm going to get a fill next week =)

But engagement party this weekend, Im very very excited about that. Should be heaps of fun. Cant wait.

The diet jounral is going well... day 3 today and im about to record the amount of calories that I think I ate just then.... eep!

Ok Back to work I go....

Boring stupid Scanning -_-'' I hate being a trainee sometimes.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Teeth Pain and Journals

Went to the Dentist today and got my teeth fixed... Was kinda painful.
mouth was numb for forever. got feeling back in it now... but frick it hurts...

I bought a diet,... Sorry a Lifestyle Journal today. I can record what I eat and how much i drink and exercise.
It keeps me honest and allows me to see what I truly am eating and exercising.
apparently you loose twice as much weight when you keep on of these as when you don't. I also bought a calorie book that shows you the amount of calories in your food.

I wasnt taking it all seriously before.
Now I am.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Am I taking this seriously?

Hey so Im very pissed off and depressed with myself.
I've done it all, Ive got the band in, I've gone through the pain... I waited the 7 months since my initial decision to get it, and now its like... Im not taking it seriously.
I mean im exercising and Im drinking plenty of water... but my diet, leaves something to be desired.
Im trying out different things, like eating a solid breakfast to stay fuller for longer and not drinking 30 mins before, during and 30 mins after eating. But Im not loosing weight, and my scales are being quite mean and saying on day that I've not lost any weight and then one day that ive put on like 6 kilos.
so they are all over the shop and cannot be trusted, So that means I either wait until each fill in order to get my weight or I use the Wii Fit.
I dunno...
Maybe it would be better if I waited until my fill....
I just feel as if Im not taking this seriously... Cause yesterday I had (ontop of my 3 individual meals) 2 biscuits a small icecream cone and 3 iceblocks. And thats not good for you!

Its TTOM and so I'm a bit cranky and Im back to work which I thought would make it all better... But I don't think it really is...

I just want to get serious and loose the weight....

Today is my 1 month bandiversary and according to my scales ive put on 6 kilos. I know thats not true and since the bathroom is on a slight angle they are being thrown out by that plus they are probably sick of my fat ass standing on them, but I hate stepping on them and seeing that number.

I.. well What can I do to loose weight? Im going to go search the lap band talk forums for some answers.


Friday, January 8, 2010


I know its like sook sook cry cry but Jesus I want to be skinny!
I want to wear cute things, go clothes shopping in normal shops and I cant wait to go on my shopping spree!
Im just looking online at all the cute things that are out there... soo many cute things you can buy! SOOO MANY!
But ... they only look cute on skinny people and for them to look cute on me I need to be skinny .... Sooo life sucks.

but i can hope and look and dream... *sigh* And of coarse.... SAVE! and diet and exercise...
Ive kicked my ass today. I cleaned my extremely dirty car.... and then I had the brilliant idea of going for a bike ride...
I with a couple little set backs got ready got the bike out and went riding, Seat was horribly uncomfortable so I put it down a bit... still uncomfy but bikes are... arnt they? or is it just my fat ass?
anyway when i went out of the track on onto the road a bit I got freaked out cause there was only a small amount of road for me to ride on and there were cars everywhere and i wa slike OMG SHIT!

So i peddled really hard and got out of there ASAP.... GOt home... off the bike nearly fell over with jelly legs and yeah... Not doing that again I think Ill stay with Leslie Sansone and my walk away belt...

Made a new character in Wii Fit, called her Flabby2Fab and started with a new goal of loosing 4 kilos in the next month. A goal that I think is attainable.

We shall see.

anyway... Im off fair the well

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Could not prepare

I wanted to put a post in today.
I got my first fill today... after around 2 weeks of not feeling as if I've had anything done Im finally getting into the banding world!
I got 2.5cc in a 7cc band.

I just wanted to clear up that I prepared sooo much for this surgery, I spent months researching and on chat rooms asking people questions on what its like and what to expect, what the rules are etc etc. But no matter how much preparation you do nothing can prepare you for Banding life because everyone is different and you wont believe a sensation until you have experienced it.
You have to find out why the rules are there for yourself.

For example today, I didnt realise the importance of the water 30 mins before and 30 mins after but not during meals until today...

So yeah its very... exciting and new and its me learning how to use MY band, not anyone elses, MY band and what works for ME.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Full License

Yay! I finally got my Full License!
After 4 individual tests and 4 years of being restricted behind the wheel I am finally a fully qualified driver.
I had my dietitian appointment today and that went well.
Got a huge head ache right now! OW!
Its my mums birthday and we're going out to dinner with her.
We bought her a beautiful cake! its stunning!
and my sister is coming with her BF... Not too impressed about that though...

Ben came around to visit today, was nice to catch up.

Nothing really else happened today. Will got a haircut and I took some video back to the rental place.

Yay for an exciting life!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Went for my full license today. I failed.

Pretty depressed cause today just hasnt gone at all well. Took sunny (my dog) to the vet to get his vac's done and it cost 177 bucks.... then the vet said that she had to fix his tooth, one of his canine teeth and thats going to cost between 300-400 maybe even 500 bucks to do.
And Luke has to get his teeth fixed up cause he has tooth pain. Im getting mine done but my parents are paying for that. and ive got private health insurance.
im just upset cause i thought all the big bills where over with and we could start paying off the debt we have accumulated but I guess life doesn't stop giving you shit you just have to get better at dealing with it.

I have my first fill scheduled for thursday I hope its going to give me good restriction, Im going to ask the nurse/surgeon to put in as much as they can. Fill me up! I want restriction again, if that means me like eating 125ml if soup 3 times a day I will happily do it.

I just want to get this weight off of me and I want to get more money and I want to be happy.

I know being happy doesnt come from weightloss of wealth but frick it would be easier to be happy with money and good looks.

got a pair of jeans the other day that were 2 sizes down from my last pair of pants I bought. i was super pleased with that. They are tight but i thought there is no point in buying a pair of pants that fit and not have them fit in a month or so.

Im going to go back to being depressed and sad so bye

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Its the 01/01/10 Today, Crazy!
A new year, My first year as a bandster. and my first year with my lovely fiance.
I turn 21 this year. I'm getting so old!
As usual, my new years resolution is to loose weight... I think I might just achieve that this year with the help of my lap band.
I'm holding on for my fill! Can't wait to have a nice amount of restriction again!
Trying to organize an engagement party at the moment, the fiance doesn't want one but he doesn't like big groups of people... Its going to be near a park so he can get outside and watch his son and the other kids on the park if he gets too overwhelmed.
My dads doing the catering, thank god! and I'm going with my mum and Luke and the soon to be mother in law to the hall that we're having it in tomorrow. let her know whats happening and what not.
Then I'm going to go to see New Moon with my sister and mother on Sunday.
This morning I finally saw a big change in my body. I'm getting back to my old body while its slow, its a lovely change. just standing in front of the mirror naked and looking at a before pic i took for myself to be able to see the real difference instead of the difference hidden in clothing. and i can definitely tell that my stomach is shrinking. I'll be skinny for that wedding dress in no time! Hazzah!
I'm having a new eating plan tomorrow, i don't know how well its going to go when i have to go to other places but it will work until my next fill... which is not far away... If i can book it! I'm so stupid i haven't booked it yet and I haven't been able to get through to the office number! Kinda scared that I wont be able to get one before I go back to work! I need a fill! I need restriction!
I also need routine and regular exercise.
The routine is set down with work and the regular exercise is something that I'm definitely working on. I'm working out each morning with my Leslie Sansone DVDs and if I'm sore from those, like I was this morning, I'm walking the dogs.

Luke is looking for a new car. We put his car up for sale today on the Internet. Hopefully we can sell it ASAP as its giving him back problems.

The doggies are being noisy under the bed...

My mum bought me this bio oil stuff, which reminds me I need to go and put it on plus i need to go brush my teeth.
That's another new years resolution, Put on Bio Oil 2x a day and brush teeth 2x a day. brush my teeth each day but not at night, which I need to do.
So I'm going to go and do that before I forget.

Current States:

I have a ticker... I just have to figure out how to put it on here...