My Ticker

Monday, March 15, 2010

Lie for a fill?

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone out there had ever lied to get a big fill?
My surgery like to generally give them slowly, and think that Im loosing at a good pace, Well last month at least, which I was, but now it has slowed down to a non existance.

I think the proof is going to be in my weight gain from last time I got weighed at the surgery, but i was thinking of maybe adding in that I feel like i have no restrictio (which generally I dont) and that Iget ghungry all the time (which I do, 5am in the morning?! WTH?) So they are not really lies... just exagerations of the truth... right?

Im goign to a different fill guy on monday so I shall see how it goes with him....

wish me luck!!

BTW. Haircut looks fricken ridiculous... once it dried out and went back to its normal shape... I have one layer which sticks out at an awkward angle and it justs looks horrible, going to another hair dresser on thursday to get it fixed...

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