My Ticker

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Am I taking this seriously?

Hey so Im very pissed off and depressed with myself.
I've done it all, Ive got the band in, I've gone through the pain... I waited the 7 months since my initial decision to get it, and now its like... Im not taking it seriously.
I mean im exercising and Im drinking plenty of water... but my diet, leaves something to be desired.
Im trying out different things, like eating a solid breakfast to stay fuller for longer and not drinking 30 mins before, during and 30 mins after eating. But Im not loosing weight, and my scales are being quite mean and saying on day that I've not lost any weight and then one day that ive put on like 6 kilos.
so they are all over the shop and cannot be trusted, So that means I either wait until each fill in order to get my weight or I use the Wii Fit.
I dunno...
Maybe it would be better if I waited until my fill....
I just feel as if Im not taking this seriously... Cause yesterday I had (ontop of my 3 individual meals) 2 biscuits a small icecream cone and 3 iceblocks. And thats not good for you!

Its TTOM and so I'm a bit cranky and Im back to work which I thought would make it all better... But I don't think it really is...

I just want to get serious and loose the weight....

Today is my 1 month bandiversary and according to my scales ive put on 6 kilos. I know thats not true and since the bathroom is on a slight angle they are being thrown out by that plus they are probably sick of my fat ass standing on them, but I hate stepping on them and seeing that number.

I.. well What can I do to loose weight? Im going to go search the lap band talk forums for some answers.


1 comment:

  1. More than happy to egg you on! Have some concrete for breakfast and harden up!

    LOL. I know, not what you want to hear but if you want a support crew I can organise it for you!
