So I started a new one.
At the moment I have little to no restriction, thats because I havent had my first fill yet. I will be getting that soon though.
Looking forward to it. I liked having restriction.
I've started exercising again. Yesterday I did a 1 mile walk and today I did a 2 mile walk... I might do a 2 mile walk again tomorrow cause the 1 mile was just a bit too easy... but the 2 mile is very demanding, I was struggling at the end of it But I did it!
Im determined to keep the exercise up. even if I fail a bit on the diet it wont be horrible because I'm exercising.
making a nice dinner tonight, Chinese Roast Chicken in the Convection oven. They are fantastic those things!
We bought a whole bunch of frozen chickens from Aldi cause they're like 5.99 per chicken so we're like BARGAIN! and thats their regular price too. Those, some veggies and maybe a side dish makes the best all round meal for the fiance and his son.
I'm trying something new with that boy after I couldn't tell whether a pair of shorts where his fathers or his. He is served up the same thing we are eating, which isnt horrible adult food but food regular kids should be loving and eating happily, if he doesnt eat it, he doesnt eat it, no punishment, no attention, just he doesnt eat it, and he doesnt get anything else to eat and definatly no dessert.
The kid basicly lived off of nuggets and chips and I am determined to make him eat better. I've already improved his behaviour and attitude this is the next step.
I'm such a lovely step mum lol.
Weight wise at the moment
SW/CW/GW is:
I put on 1.9 kilos so im not happy about that but im working to get that down and kick my ass back into weightloss mode. Thats why I got this band and thats why I started this journey.
ok Thats enough typing...
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