My Ticker

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Stupid Goals


So heres a stupid goal

Getting down to 85 Kilos before the end of this year....

You know what FUck it ! I Can do it!

I Sell myself short sooo much! I dont believe in myself! I HAVE LOST 30 KILOS! (66lbs)

I can fucking do this.

2 Ltrs of water a day - and fuck it I can drink diet cordial.
1 baby bel cheese
1 meal replacement bar
1 shake
1 small meal (or soup) - with bread if it soup is low in cals
2 serves of fruit.

thats a shit load of food to eat and I will not Sabotage myself! I DESERVE BETTER!

I deserve to look ok in a swim suit. even if it covers everything! I deserve to go fucking horse back riding these holidays!

I can do this! and I can do it before the end of the financial year!

I have to think like a skinny person and break myself out of this stupid - you dont deserve this crap!

I need to slow my way into exercise not go into it full ball! WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING!

I need to... wait I WILL stop letting people put me down, letting myself put me down.

So what if my tits looked better when I was fat... Thats the only thing that looked good! the rest looked fucked up and fat...

If you want to get married Lynette You need to loose this weight! You need to start respecting yourself and start putting your goals and your dreams in action. DOnt let this band go to waste! FUCKING DO IT!


Easy to say while its night time I think....

But Im going to fucking do it.

Im going to do this shit and stop my sub concious mind second guessing itself!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010


so I've been keeping a food journal and recording what I eat but most importantly ive been recording the reasons why I overeat and cheat my band and solutions to the problem. One major one for example is bringing money to work,like cash. It's dangerous! I've got a yummy bakery downstairs and there's a snack bar thing like a vending machine on the other side of the officce,where the water cooler is. So to avoid temptation I don't bring money to work. Problem solved.
The next one is eating at uni.... I've resolved that bringing money to uni is a no no but the vending machines have a swipe thing for the card... So I'm taking a water bottle of diet cordial tonight n we shall see how that goes as I drink water mainly. But I'm at uni pretty late so I don't know if it's the best idea to be having water that late.....

And then there's binging at home. Yesterday there was a birthday cake so I had some and I think the sugar slump made me go on an eating fest. Also I think drinking my 2 ltrs of water each day is loosening my band heaps... So I might go for another fill.... We shall see
but I also need to keep myself away from the fridge.... It's an evil mistress. And sugary treats that do more long term damage than just the initial calories.

So that's what I'm doing. What did I eat, why did I eat it, and how I can avoid the situation again. I'm taking positive action to progress myself. As I'm sick of this slump and I wanna loose 22 kilos by Christmas. Probably not going to happen though.... But I'm going to try rly hard as I want to feel slightly comfortable in a swim suit this summer....